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Europe, News feed Date: 18 September, 2023

Why You Should Invest in Turkish Citizenship in 2024

Why You Should Invest in Turkish Citizenship in 2024

Who better to ask about current Turkish Citizenship by Investment benefits than Mohammad Motavasel? Mohammad is our Türkiye Managing Director. We learn why now is the right time to invest in Turkish nationality.

1.) 2013 marked the 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye. What is there to celebrate about Turkish Citizenship by Investment?

“Everybody knows Türkiye. A 100-year-old Republic, it’s a rare country in the world of Citizenship by Investment in that entrepreneurs are interested in more than the passport which nonetheless offers visa-free access to over 110 countries including Japan.”

“Everything about this considerably developed and modern country feels right. From the elegant lifestyle to the excellent infrastructure to the pleasant weather.”

“There is no gamble or risk on your real estate purchase, which 98% of investors favour to obtain Turkish CBI. If you’re coming to Türkiye with a young family or to retire, Turkish Citizenship by Investment is difficult to match.”

“It’s so much more than what the European Golden Visas offer. Here, buying property gives you citizenship rather than permanent residence. It’s another level of security.”

2.) How will entrepreneurs find Türkiye?

“Türkiye welcomes international investors. Istanbul is home to the second busiest airport in the region after Dubai. HNWIs feel at home, what with the familiar brand-name stores they see such as Gucci.”

“Our office, which celebrated its first anniversary in September 2023, is situated in the upmarket Zorlu Center in fashionable Beşiktaş. We’re right next to what’s become known as the Prada entrance. Here, we can host you as an international investor and help kickstart your application.”

3.) Türkiye has long been known as “the bridge between East and West” To what extent, does that tag still apply?

“Türkiye is as secular as it is religious; as progressive as it is traditional. On the one hand, you have the highest concentration of crypto traders in the world and the first female Turkish Central Bank Governor, Hafize Gaye Erkan. And, on the other, the regular call to prayer you hear from the mosques is a reassuring sound for Muslim investors.”

“The Republic is a business-friendly environment that is ideal for start-ups. You are in sync with European and Middle-East time zones. Turkish Airlines connects you to more than 300 destinations in over 100 different countries.”

4.) How robust is the Turkish economy?

“The Turkish economy is the 11th biggest in the world. That’s bigger than Canada’s, Italy’s, or Spain’s. Investing in Türkiye is a safe, solid choice as the country has tempered hyper inflation to become the fourth fastest-growing economy globally.

“Tourists have returned after the pandemic. The government have increased the minimum wage, despite having to cope with the worst national disaster for over 100 years: the early 2023 earthquakes.”

5.) What effect has Turkish Citizenship by Investment had on the country?

“With or without this Citizenship by Investment, Türkiye is a real power in the region. A co-founder of NATO, it’s an important partner in the organization. In early March 2023, Türkiye signed an agreement with the UAE to increase trade between the two countries to US$40 billion in the next five years.”

“What the increased property market has done is gentrify the areas they have developed on the outskirts of Istanbul. Bodrum has received a multi-million injection of investment, transforming it into even more of an exclusive city. There has been a lot of replication with the country building on its medical tourism reputation with the opening of new establishments.”

How to Obtain Turkish Citizenship by Investment

After reading our interview with Mohammad, would you like to invest in Turkish Citizenship? If so, we can help you take the next steps on your investment migration journey.

Don’t delay. Contact Latitude, Turkish Citizenship by Investment specialists, today.

Why You Should Invest in Turkish Citizenship in 2024

Date: 18 September, 2023

Posted in: Europe, News feed