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Europe, News feed Date: 29 December, 2020

Portugal Announces Changes to Its Citizenship Law

Portugal Announces Changes to Its Citizenship Law

The Portugal Golden Visa Programme received a further boost as the government announced changes to their Law of Nationality. Children born to parents, who are holders of the Golden Visa permit for at least one year, will automatically receive Portuguese citizenship – even if the parents have only spent a minimum of seven days in the country.

Previously, the minimum residence period was two years. So, the Portuguese government’s new amendments are another step forward to ensure citizenship is even more attainable than ever before. These amendments to citizenship eligibility further promote the Portugal Golden Visa programme as a viable path to eventual EU citizenship.

These changes follow amendments made in 2018 which reduced the residence requirement from six to only five years for a permit holder being able to apply for citizenship. This five-year residence requirement applies to all those legally resident, including those who only spend seven days in the country per year (the minimum time to maintain the Golden Visa permit).

The Portugal Golden Visa has proven to be one of the top residency-by-investment programmes in the world due to its minimal physical presence requirements and flexible path to citizenship. While the programme offers nine different qualifying options, the three real estate paths have accounted for over 94% of applicants.

Latitude is proud to offer real-estate options that qualifying clients at each of the three investment levels:

  1. €500,000 allows you purchase property anywhere in the country. Whether you buy an apartment in Lisbon or a villa in the Algarve, this investment level provides the greatest selection of choice.
  2. €350,000 in properties older than 30 years that need refurbishment
  3. €280,000 in properties also older and in need of refurbishment that are located in less dense areas of the country

For these lower two investment options, Latitude has partnered with developers with a proven track record in Portugal. They offer exceptional real-estate options including some with guaranteed buyback options after the required five-year investment period.

Don’t delay and contact us today for an expert overview of the Portugal Golden Visa Programme.

Portugal Announces Changes to Its Citizenship Law

Date: 29 December, 2020

Posted in: Europe, News feed